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Rights and responsibilities of the patient

The doctors and nurses always try to see patients at a mutually convenient time. They will do their best to keep to time during their surgeries but you will appreciate that some consultations are complicated and take longer than others. If you are late for your appointment the doctor or nurse will do their best to see you but you may be asked to make another appointment. If you are unable to keep your appointment please telephone to cancel so that it may be offered to another patient.

Comments, suggestions and complaints

All the staff at Barcroft Medical Centre do their best to provide a friendly and efficient service.

Giving feedback

To provide feedback:

Making a complaint

We also have a suggestion box situated in reception.

Change of Address, Telephone Number or Email Address

If you have changed your address, telephone number or email address, please complete our Change Personal Details form so that we can update your contact details.


Chaperones may always be requested by patients or by staff. Please speak to the doctor or Nurse seeing you.


All patient information held in the practice is confidential and information is only disclosed to other health care professionals.

Information may only be released to outside agencies on receipt of a signed letter of consent from the patient.

If you are under 16 you can talk to your doctor in complete confidence; doctors have to keep anything you tell them private, just as they do for an adult.

Access to your medical records

Under the General Data Protection Act 2018 you are entitled to one free copy of your medical records upon request.

Please complete our Medical Report Request form or ask at reception for a Subject Access Request form if you would like us to make a copy of your records available to you.

Alternatively you may wish to apply for access to your detailed coded online medical record, again please ask at reception for an Access to Online Record form. You will need to show the receptionist some form of ID when making this application.

There is no fee for this service.