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Your health record and sharing of information

Your health record includes your medical history, details about your medication and any allergies you may have.

At a time of emergency or crisis it’s important that clinicians can securely access your recent medical history so that they can understand the best way to help you. They may have to give access to other NHS organisations.

This means that if you need to see an out of hours doctor or require treatment at an acute hospital for example, your health records can be quickly and easily accessed by clinicians to help tailor the medical support you need. This is particularly relevant to those patients’ with chronic medical conditions. In addition any treatment provided by them can be shared with us.

Your information will only be shared with other healthcare services if you give your explicit consent.

You will only be asked to share your medical information if the clinician feels it will benefit your care.

If you don’t want a clinician from another healthcare service to be able to view your health record, you can say so at the point at which the clinician asks you.

Your information will only be used by the clinician to help determine the most appropriate medical support for you. Your health records won’t be shared with any other organisation or used for any non-clinical need.